Based on the message, “What Every Christian
Must Pursue: Pursue First”
By Ptr. Eniong Hilario

READ Matthew 6:19-33

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness," making this the most important priority in the life of every Christian. This verse is part of the famous Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus teaches important principles about how to live as His followers. The message encourages Christians to place God’s Kingdom and His righteousness above all else, trusting that when we do, everything else will fall into place.

The Sermon on the Mount covers a wide range of teachings, including the Beatitudes, the importance of forgiveness, and the need to love even our enemies. It also provides guidance on how to live with integrity, generosity, and compassion. At the heart of this sermon, Matthew 6:33 calls us to make seeking God’s Kingdom our first priority. By doing so, we align ourselves with God's will and live with purpose, peace, and fulfillment.

“Seek first” means to prioritize God above everything else in our lives, putting His Kingdom and righteousness first. This involves actively pursuing a relationship with God and living under His rule. When we seek the Kingdom of God, we are choosing to live in submission to Jesus, trusting that He will guide us in all areas of life. We are called to reflect His righteousness in everything we do, seeking to live in harmony with His will.

Pursuing God’s Kingdom first also means trusting God to meet our basic needs. Jesus encourages us not to worry about food, clothing, or shelter, but to focus on seeking His Kingdom. When we trust God as our King, we also believe that He is our Provider. We can live with confidence, knowing that He will take care of us. This doesn’t mean ignoring our responsibilities, but rather putting our trust in God to provide in His way and timing.

Jesus also warns against making the pursuit of earthly riches our main goal. Wealth itself is not wrong, but when it becomes our priority, it can lead us away from God’s Kingdom. Instead, we are called to invest in treasures that last forever—those that are found in God’s Kingdom. By focusing on what truly matters, we can ensure that our hearts remain aligned with God’s will, living with eternal perspective rather than being consumed by temporary desires.

When Jesus tells us to "pursue first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness," He isn’t saying that we should avoid working hard or providing for our families. Rather, He is teaching us about the importance of our priorities. We are called to place God's Kingdom and His righteousness above all else in our lives, trusting that when we do, everything else will fall into place.

Jesus does not condemn wealth or hard work, but warns against making the pursuit of riches our main focus. The danger comes when we allow money or possessions to control our hearts, shifting our priorities away from God. It is not wrong to earn or invest money, but we must do so with a righteous heart, not driven by selfish desires. By seeking God’s Kingdom and righteousness first, we gain clarity on how to live wisely, make good choices, and keep our hearts focused on what truly matters—eternal values rather than temporary desires.