Wait For God

DAY 1: Monday / January 29, 2024

Read Isaiah 40:31

Isa 40:31  but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. 

This 2024, may we have a mindset of waiting on God. May we all focus on this first: looking eagerly for God, hoping for God, and expecting from God; Go after him and remain in Him. We are attempting to wait for God during this week of prayer and fasting; the God who renews our strength, the God who sustains, and the God who makes us soar.  God is the focus of our waiting. In the scriptures, to wait is to seek, to hope, to expect. It's not a pointless, meaningless waiting. God’s people weren't holding out for nothing. God's exiled people in Isaiah 40 were being asked to wait for their promised consolation, deliverance, and salvation.

We have no idea what the year 2024 will bring. But whatever the year 2024 throws at us, may we all learn to seek God first with great fervor and attention, regardless of the situations, difficulties, opportunities we encounter.

Now, some of us may be coming from a year that was challenging. Maybe 2023 for you was a forgettable or regrettable year. Maybe 2023 for you was hard, maybe it was bad. Maybe your 2023 was like what God’s people during Isaiah’s time was going through- it was captivity, it was like being in exile. It was bondage. And maybe you wondered what 2024 would be like. Maybe you are thinking today- 2024 cannot be any different and a sense of hopelessness fills your heart. And you don’t know where 2024 will end or how it is going to look. 

Regardless of the unknown, the challenge for us is this: Wait for God. Let God be the focus of your waiting. 

So let us begin our waiting for God in prayer & fasting by acknowledging who God is and what He can do. As Isaiah declares; Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.  Isa 40:28

God as creator, demonstrates His ultimate power. As Jeremiah affirms;  ‘Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you. Jer 32:17. With God this powerful, be encouraged that we are waiting for a God who is able to do immeasurably more than what we ask or imagine.


  • Read again Isaiah 40:31, 28 and Jeremiah 32:17.

  • What are these verses telling you as you face 2024? Write down some statements of faith about God, based on these Scriptures. Read them out loud, over your life and your family as you begin this week of drawing closer to Him.

Pastor Eniong

Pastor Eniong is the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Aurora.


Humble Yourself


Day 5: Complete Joy