Soar Like An Offering

DAY 5: Friday, February 2, 2024

REMINDER: Join us @the Place tonight, 7pm as we break the fast together and make an offering of prayers and praise to God!

Read Gen 8:20-21 / Gen 22:1-2 / 2Sam 24:24-25

The Hebrew term for "mount up," "rise up," and "ascend" is used in the Bible in other passages besides Isaiah 40:31. In some instances, the said term is also used in relation to offerings made to God. In some- the word is  translated “offer”. In three instances, “offer” was used when the likes of Noah, Abraham and David made offerings to God.

The burnt offerings that Noah made on the altar that he built, rose up & ascended unto God [Gen 8:20].  When Noah's offering reached God, God smelled the pleasing aroma. The offering that rose up to God, so pleased Him that God was prompted to make an everlasting promise; ““I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done.” [Gen 8:21]. Oh the power of an offering that rises up to God and pleases Him! He gives a trustworthy promise!

Abraham was told by God to offer his son Isaac. God demanded from Abraham that he bring up to Him his very own son, the one and only son that he loves. Abraham obeyed God. But before he was about to offer Isaac, God intervened. Seeing that Abraham truly feared God above all and was willing to give up to Him anything, pleased God. So God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son. Instead, God provided a ram to take the place of his son.  [Gen 22:12-13]. Oh the power of an offering that rises up to God and pleases Him! He replaces what we sacrificially and willingly give up to Him!

David was commanded by the Lord to build an altar and make an offering to God on the threshing floor of Araunah [2Sa 24:18-19]. The altar that David will build and the offering that he was to make were meant to avert the plague from the people. [2Sa 24:21]. Araunah wanted to give David the threshing floor plus oxens for the burnt offerings for free. To this David responded; “No, but I will buy it from you for a price. I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God that cost me nothing.” [2Sa 24:24]. David’s offering pleased God. God responded and averted the plague from the people. [2Sa 24:25]. Oh the power of an offering that rises up to God and pleases Him! He answers prayers for mercy and grace! 

This 2024, may we not only soar like eagles as we wait upon the Lord. May we also soar like an offering that reaches God and pleases Him!


  • What is God telling you through the examples of Noah, Abraham & David about offering? What resonated with you the most? Why?

  • What is God challenging you to do regarding “offering” to God? What are you committing to do?

  • When God is pleased with the offering that we bring up to Him, He also answers prayers. What prayers for yourself, your family, your faith group, the church and the nation do you want for God to answer?

Pastor Eniong

Pastor Eniong is the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Aurora.


Jesus Christ: Humbled and Exalted